Call identification: A call is displayed with a contact's name when the phone number is matched with an entry in the Corebridge meta-directory.
Nearby identification: If the calling number is Unknown, Corebridge automatically attempts nearby identification, by displaying a list of companies names (yellow pop-up) which have similar format phone numbers.
Actions on call events: Enables users to automatically display the caller profile from 3rd party application based on telephony events such as on ringing event, answer call, run application at the end of the call, etc.
Programmed 100 action keys: Can be linked to various call events enabling user to associate different actions such as display caller profile.
Correspondent Information Toaster: The correspondent information toaster delivers a brief view about the caller before displaying his profile. It displays information such as the name of the account manager who is in charge of the correspondent file, his phone status, computer status and Skype presence.
Call authentication: If the calling number belongs to several correspondents, the call is displayed with a red question mark (?) icon. The user can then “Authenticate” his call and choose the right correspondent to display his profile.
Call Re-cycle: If the calling phone number could not be identified, or has been withheld by the caller, user can recycle the call and identify his correspondent from the Meta directory (if exists) whether by name, by phone number or by customer code.
Attach data to a call (Call Qualification): The “attach data” mechanism allows end user to attach data to current calls. The data is kept with the call even when it is transferred and is stored in the user call logs.
Easy access to Integrated communications